From the Spirit to the Brain: The Transition From Parapsychological to Neurological Models of Explaining Near-Death Experiences

Near-Death Experiences are often used as anecdotal evidence of some sort of afterlife. They were discovered as a datum for scientific study at a late date, and when it was studied, it tended to be marginalized. In this article Austin Case traces the development of the study of NDEs and their possible explanations from an early, parapsychological phase to more recent, neurological models.

By Austin C. Case (published 06.07.2010)

Asbjørn Dyrendal,

Kategorier: Articles in English, Artikler, Kritisk tenkning, Marginalia

How is memory affected by traumatic events? An evaluation of the basic tenet of repression theory


The Freudian concept of repression and its modern heir «dissociation» have been much debated in contemporary psychology. The debate has centered on the effect of trauma on memory. In this essay, Mona Hide Klausen reviews briefly elements of the debate and contemporary research findings.

By Mona Hide Klausen (published 17.01.2009)

Asbjørn Dyrendal,

Kategorier: Articles in English, Artikler, Kritisk tenkning

Psychology and the Satanic Ritual Abuse Controversy. A Brief Research Review

Satan's silence.jpg
During the late 1980s and early 1990s, psychologists dealing with «repressed memories», dissociation, and multiple personalities warned about a satanic conspiracy, based on testimonies from their patients. During the following years, the ideas and practices were researched. In this article, some of the research findings are summed up and briefly discussed.

Asbjørn Dyrendal,

Kategorier: Alternativ behandling, Articles in English, Artikler, Konspirasjonstenkning

“Enochian” language: A proof of the existence of angels?

johndee.jpgElizabethan England hosted many interesting and influential
personalities, from Francis Bacon, Walter Raleigh and Francis Drake to Edmund Spencer, Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare. In this milieu we also find the eccentric philosopher and scientist John Dee. He collected the empire’s biggest library, and his contributions to mathematics, cartography and navigation greatly influenced the age of English exploration and discovery. However, he was also an ardent explorer of the celestial realms: John Dee believed firmly in the existence of angels. Together with the alchemist Edward Kelley he conducted magical rituals in order to commune with the
heavenly messengers. The result was a series of letter tables and verses in a previously unknown language. A proof of the existence of angels?

Asbjørn Dyrendal,

Kategorier: Articles in English, Artikler, Marginalia, Sekterisk